Production Company: Somesuch
Creative Agency: BBDO
Director: Vincent Haycock


Immerse yourself in tenderness and love with our latest Add for  Johnson & Johnson campaign, “If You’re Happy And You Know”, filmed in the beautiful locations of Mexico! With vibrant film locations, every moment of this commercial celebrates the unique locations and fun film cuts to create this master piece from our friend Vincent Haykock

With the help of our talented Film production team in Mexico, we have captured intimate and touching moments that reflect the great Film Production work of the Mexican Crew.

Thanks to our top-notch production services in Mexico, every detail has been carefully crafted to create an exceptional film experience. Our Location Scouts in Mexico have found the most charming settings to bring this campaign to life, while our Producers in Mexico have ensured that each moment has film production value.

Join us on this emotional journey through the beauty and warmth of Mexico, where happiness and care intertwine in every smile and every hug. Discover how Johnson & Johnson makes every moment even more special in the unforgettable “If You’re Happy And You Know” campaign.